About Me

What can I say about myself? I am an ordinary, down-to-earth person who occasionally takes a side-trip down the road to unconventionality. My normalness comes to pass when I’m working my day job. I am obedient, thorough and friendly. My silly self comes to pass when I am within the bosom of my family and friends—who know me well and love me anyway. But it is my serious and oft times eccentric self who surfaces when I am writing. When I take this approach to life I find myself looking at everything with an exploratory eye. I slow down my pace a bit and I develop a keen sense awareness. I become intelligent. I look up, down and all around—and I listen. I may even howl at the moon.

Saturday, March 11, 2017

We need our artists. Without art what are we? Art will continue of course. You cannot stop the spread of creative juices in anyone's brain, in any form. Unfortunately, the support artists are given through the National Endowment for the Arts, will be extinguished. Nevertheless, keep writing your stories and poetry, sculpting and painting, singing and rapping your hearts out and dancing in the streets; anyway you can. Leave the new administration to wallow in the collective euphoria of a narrow mind; bereft of what makes us human. I feel sorry for them. They must never have known and will never know The Pleasure of Art as Sensed by the Brain
