About Me

What can I say about myself? I am an ordinary, down-to-earth person who occasionally takes a side-trip down the road to unconventionality. My normalness comes to pass when I’m working my day job. I am obedient, thorough and friendly. My silly self comes to pass when I am within the bosom of my family and friends—who know me well and love me anyway. But it is my serious and oft times eccentric self who surfaces when I am writing. When I take this approach to life I find myself looking at everything with an exploratory eye. I slow down my pace a bit and I develop a keen sense awareness. I become intelligent. I look up, down and all around—and I listen. I may even howl at the moon.

Saturday, November 3, 2012

President Obama has done a lot during his 4 year term, and there was a lot of hardship going on at the time he took office. We were in the midst of an economic crisis that could very well have brought about another great depression; an economic crises that I believe was brought about by the lax regulations that governed the financial and banking industries. So many of us were propelled into a false sense of security and an allusion of prosperity resulting from our ability to buy what we wanted on credit whether or not we could afford it. But that is in the past. We know better now—at least I do. I maintain that 4 years is not enough time to cure all the ills of our country, but we surely are on the right road, and I see it as a journey forward; not only economically, but on a human scale within our communities and around the globe environmentally. President Obama has foresight. He is trying to strengthen our country by building stronger foundations that can be sustained by the people and for the people.

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