Concerning the Slaughter of Baby Seals
An Open Letter to the Prime Minister of Canada
I cannot understand the brutal slaughter of these defenseless seals and how any human being can take a club to a baby seal while it's mother watches and can do nothing. How can they live with themselves after such an act? How would they feel if, God forbid, someone came into their homes and into their nursery and clubbed their baby to death in front of them? The human parent would not let it happen. The human parent would defend that child with his or her very own life. The mother seal cannot do this. She is without the power to do this. Instead she watches her baby suffer and, yes, she feels unbelievable sorrow. Do you think because she is not human she does not feel sorrow? How arrogant we humans can be in this respect—to assume that animals do not feel pain or sorrow.
Somewhere down the line the consequences of this act will come to fruition in a negative way for our planet and for mankind. The slaughter of baby seals is wrong. If we keep on destroying God’s most precious creatures, we’ll feel it in the end—somehow, someway we’ll learn the error of our ways. There are so many good people on this earth within every country and within every society, and it would be a shame for the goodhearted to suffer the consequences of the coldhearted.
I am not a obsessively religious person, but I am an innately caring person, and during my journey through life I have never forgotten the quotation “Blessed are the meek, for they shall inherit the earth”. I believe there are many variations of this in religious texts of all faiths. As a child I heard the words and they became important to me. And whenever or wherever I witnessed a brutality toward an animal I repeated the words in my mind. Even then I understood the magnitude of such acts and I felt guilty for being human. As an adult I became acutely aware of the atrocities committed by mankind over the years. These atrocities cannot be undone, but I believe a counterbalance can be and will be achieved by kindly people around the world.
I am begging you, Prime Minister, please be a part of the solution and not an obstacle. Please call off the seal hunt now.
About Me
What can I say about myself? I am an ordinary, down-to-earth person who occasionally takes a side-trip down the road to unconventionality. My normalness comes to pass when I’m working my day job. I am obedient, thorough and friendly. My silly self comes to pass when I am within the bosom of my family and friends—who know me well and love me anyway. But it is my serious and oft times eccentric self who surfaces when I am writing. When I take this approach to life I find myself looking at everything with an exploratory eye. I slow down my pace a bit and I develop a keen sense awareness. I become intelligent. I look up, down and all around—and I listen. I may even howl at the moon.
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